Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New year, new ideas

Who'd want to be a systems librarian?
Not an IT person, not a librarian. Well.... a bit of both.
All the exciting tech stuff but you don't have to be an expert; depending on your library, still doing reference or cataloging or suchlike... this, at any rate, is what I gather from reading about it.
And reading, and reading, and reading.

MLIS papers for 2008:
My probable schedule, which may change depending on how the workload fits in with my new job... Library Assistant in a law firm.

  • T1 (Feb to June 08): INFO523 (Information Resources & Client Services, in other words: Reference & Searching), & INFO527 (Organisation of Information)
  • T2 (July to Oct 08): INFO528 (Research Methods), & INFO546 (Bibliographic Organisation)
  • T3 (Nov 08 to Feb 09): INFO580 (Research Project) & possibly another elective.
I am really looking forward to 527 and 546. I have collected a lot of material about metadata, LCSH, DDC etc, in the time I was focusing on cataloging as a specialty. Very interesting stuff. Plus, lets be honest, I like the technical side of things as much because I pick it up quicker than most as that it requires classification and analysis of ideas.

I think I'll buy the textbooks for these, rather than borrow/beg them (though possibly not the AACR2R and DDC volumes!).

And.... am interested in doing the following electives/MMIM papers if possible:
  • INFO561 (Special Topic: Web & Intranet Content Management)
  • MMIM534 (Web & Intranet Content Management)
  • INFO541 (Electronic Publishing)
  • INFO544 (Advanced Reference Services)

Plus, INFO548 (Law Librarianship), which I had heard was defunct because no teacher could be found for the course, but they appear to be offering it for the T3 2008 summer...

May be a bit late by then as I would have picked up quite a lot on the job, but still, could be worth a look.

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